Blog Archive

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Perfect imperfection

Our days and weeks have fallen into a rhythm.  Every day we wake up at 6:45 to relieve Mary of her night duty, always finding her and Juneldè chatting (Juneldè answering with her eyes and very engaged in the conversations).  Usually when we enter the bedroom Mary is giggling because the moment Juneldè hears our bedroom door open she starts to breathe quicker and looking towards the door in anticipation of our arrival.  We are very grateful to still have Mary for 6 nights a week, because our little princess sees it as her duty to wake up before the birds.  Thus by 6:45 she already has completed her morning stretches and massage routine, ate her porridge and graced Mary with beautiful smiles.
Between seven and eight in the morning it is cuddle and kisses time.  Julius and I take turns to fetch Juneldè in the mornings (if his work allows) and have the opportunity then to spend quality time before the day starts.  She is very responsive and engaging so early in the morning and it is really a great start to our day. 
At eight o’clock on weekdays Ratie arrives for the day.  She is Juneldè’s nanny and awesome care taker.  They have a special bond and Juneldè is always quite excited to see Ratie.  Then Ratie prepares Juneldè’s second meal of the day and morning medication.  And so our day of therapy begins.  On Mondays we have Speech-Communication and Swallow therapy, followed by Babygym and ending of with Hydrotherapy.  On Tuesdays we have physiotherapy, on Wednesday’s Occupational therapy. Thursdays we end the week’s official therapy with physio- and hydrotherapy.  Saturday mornings we head of to Krugersdorp for our weekly horse-riding therapy.
At home in between therapies we are always busy with our IAHP program and therapy homework.  We have the radio on all day with various praise and worship songs as well as traditional kids’ rhymes and stories.  Our days are filled with small (and big) miracles whenever Juneldè is able to do something she couldn’t do before.  Every time this serves as a strong motivator to just keep on keeping on…
Between four and five o’clock it is time for Ratie to go home and then Juneldè and I cuddle and chat about the day, waiting for daddy to return from work.  Some days daddy have to work very late and we don’t get to see him before Juneldè sleeps.  Other days we hear the gate and garage open and eagerly then awaits his arrival.  Juneldè is very quick to hear the gate and garage and then one can see her quickened breathing and big eyes, anticipation riddling her body.  This little girl truly adores her daddy!
Then it is Upsee time.  Our princess and daddy and I walk in the neighbourhood with Bella on her pink leash.  And today I had the privilege to watch my daughter and her daddy dance…Beautiful and magical!
At six o’clock it is bath time.  We have a big bath in our room and I fill it to the brim for myself and my peanut.  Daddy undresses her and when I take her with me in the bath she gives a big sigh and serene, content and wide smile.  I wash her hair, give her a head massage and sings to her.  This is treasured, bonding time.  Daddy then dresses her, blow dries her hair and wraps her tight in a fluffy blanket.  Then he sits with Juneldè on his lap whilst I prepare dinner,  and this is also where she promptly stars yawning  before falling asleep.
Yes, our days have regained a certain comfortable rhythm.  A wonderful state of perfect imperfection.  Beth Moore says in her book “Believing God” that maybe God uses our circumstances to either teach us about His Majesty or His Sufficiency.  Sometimes God performs a wondrous act of an undoubtable miracle, so that all may Know He is God, He is Majestic.  Other times our path is less spectacular, more isolated, however just as great a gift…Because during this time He imparts on us His sufficiency.  He uses the good days, bad days, worse- and better days to truly be our Provider.  He is enough, He is sufficient.
Our small family’s lives’ are challenging, Juneldè’s recovery riddled with ups and downs, slow and strenuous.  But I can truly say that not in spite of this, but maybe because of it, our lives are imperfectly PERFECT…

Dancing with daddy...

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